This door is locked. Mansion (Main Area) You unlocked it. Please do me the honour of joining myself and a guest@we both know in the ballroom. Take this key@with my compliments. Yurich! What are you doing? All who go to him return@either insane or as nightmarish monsters. My barricade is... Note: When counjering the pheonix bow even the slightest@lapse in concentration will kill all 4 casters. The master bedroom is locked.@A small hollow sits behind the handle. When the water guardians are at full@defense the way to nature will open. It is said that the watcher will relinquish@his secret only when the very heavens vanish. The cell cannot be opened from here. Dark magic. Evil metamophosis. It's only a matter@of time before I.. If you ever find this Kurien, leave now! A note is on the ground...@'torture room, behind leftmost iron maiden. Master bedroom'. The door is locked.@There is a crystal shaped hollow in it. Mansion (Servants Quarters) Mansion (West Wing) Mansion (Gardens) Mansion (Ballroom) Forest of Sanchel 70 These doors have no keyhole.@They must be opened elsewhere. This door is locked up tight. Yurich takes them somewhere else. Away from the mansion!@ I must discover where. 137 Wounded Man: No! P..Please stay back. Don't kill me! Kurien: Fear not. I do not seek to harm you. Wounded Man: You are not... insane? Kurien: What happened to you? Wounded Man: I am... badly..wounded...please..go to.. Kurien: Go where? Wounded Man: To under..the small...stairs...@there's medicine there... you'll need...this Please....hurry! Wounded Man: Thankyou friend. Kurien: Who are you? Wounded Man: My name is Gurai, a former servant of the@master. But what of you? Are you an outsider? Kurien: I come in search of my friend, Suraea. Gurai: If he came here then the master likely has him. Kurien: Master? Gurai: The master of this mansion. Yurich. Around a@year ago he began dabbling in the black arts. Then @a month or so ago the residents of this place began disappearing, replaced by the twisted beings I have@no doubt you've encountered. He became little more@than an insane puppet master obsessed with the recovery of an artifact which he believes will make@him a god no less. If your friend came here then he@may well be in the dungeon. Kurien: Where is this dungeon? Gurai: It is just down the corridor but the entrance@is locked. I know not where the key lays but take this. It may help you get into the garden. Kurien: Thankyou. I shall not forget your help. Gurai: You go and try to find your friend while I try@to find a way out of here. We shall meet again. Kurien: ...Gurai.. you almost gave me a heart attack. Gurai: I'm sorry... Have you found anything interesting? Kurien: The door to this study was locked last time I@was here but now it's wide open. Did you unlock it? Gurai: No. I don't have the key. Kurien: Then who.... No it matters not. Gurai: Right. I'll leave you to check this room out.@I'm going to see if there is a way to get out through@the waterways in the servant quarters. Kurien: Okay. Good luck then. Gurai: You too Kurien. Yurich: I'm honoured you accepted my invitation. Kurien: You are Yurich are you not? Yurich: Correct. And you of course are Kurien. Kurien: I came here only to discover one thing. Where is Suraea! Yurich: Heh. The question is not so much where is Suraea@but what is Suraea. Kurien: Meaning what? Yurich: The friend you trusted with your own life for so@many years is... different now. Kurien: I grow tired of your blather Yurich! Yurich: Very well then.Why not meet Suraea for yourself... or what's become of him.. Hahahahahahahaaaaaaa. Kurien: SURAEA! Yurich: Marvellous... The Tome has made you very powerful. Kurien: You BASTARD! You'll pay for killing Suraea. Yurich: You cannot blame me for something you did. Kurien: LIAR.... why are you doing this? Yurich: For the Tome Kurien. The Tome is true power.@I have gone to great lengths to obtain it. Kurien: What lengths? Yurich: Fool... Why do you think you're here? Remember@the canyon Kurien? It was blocked when you were heading@home. Kurien: You did that? Yurich: That forced you to come through these woods which@led you right to my doorstep. Even Suraea blundering into@my hands was not mere fortune. He made perfect bait. And now you're here, along with the Tome. Unfortunately the tome has recognised you as it's owner@and so is bound to you so I cannot take it. So the only way to obtain it's power....... IS BY REMOVING YOU! Yurich: uuuuuunnnnnnNNNNGGGGGAAARRGGGGGGHHHHHHHH! I....shall...not HAHAAHAHAHAAHAAAAAAA! You will not win so easily Kurien. Gurai: KURIEN! What on earth happened here? Kurien: Suraea is dead, and so is Yurich. Gurai: I'm sorry Yurich got to your friend before we did. However, now is not the time to mourn. We must get out of@these woods. Even if Yurich is gone, the madness@he created remains. There is a bridge a few minutes from here that leads right@over a deep chasm and out of this forest.@I'll go on ahead and meet you there. Kurien: Okay. You hear a door open somewhere upstairs. Gurai: Kurien! You made it. Quickly, we must...... Kurien: Whatever's on the roof is causing the walls to@collapse under the stress. this bridge is going to fall! SURAEA! Goodbye, Suraea...... The Abode Of Golgotha Conceived and created by Oliver Smiles Copyright 1999-2000 by Oliver Smiles Visit the A.O.G. Saga website at Thankyou for playing.... Continue the story in Maw of the Umbra: Abode of Golgotha 2@available at